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  • #1591028
    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I hope this comment is a poor attempt at a wind up.


    Tizaaards Cider
    • Total Posts 639

    Not in the slightest. What’s your take on it?

    Ignore what you’re reading in the media, look at the facts, read between the lines.

    The industry as a whole (other jocks, trainers not using her now, even the PJA for god sake) have turned on her.

    What reason would they have for doing g that other than they feel she’s wrong? It’s pretty unanimous across all sections of the industry to be rejecting her.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I’m fairly confident I’m a white male, I’m not one of these PC “New Men” types either, in fact I find a lot of women distinctly annoying – make you late for the races if you make the schoolboy error of letting one accompany you, and I liked the attitude of Rex Harrison’s Professor Higgins on the subject in My Fair Lady until eventually understandably mesmerised by Audrey Hepburn’s Eliza Doolittle.

    And yet, despite that admittedly tongue-in-cheek chauvinistic diatribe….I find Robbie Dunne’s conduct appalling and I am 100% on Bryony Frost’s side.

    Would he have spoken to a man that way?

    For example, Anthony Joshua.

    That’s the acid test – if you’re aggressive to anyone in a way you simply wouldn’t be to a World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, you’re being a bully.

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    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    “What reason would they have for doing g that other than they feel she’s wrong? It’s pretty unanimous across all sections of the industry to be rejecting her.”

    She has made public how vile their jurassic, private, little club, really is. Thats why.

    If you think Tom ‘Dynasty’ Scudamore would have the same issues as Bryony Frost you are in cloud cuckoo land.


    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    The industry didn’t turn against Bryony because she didn’t have a case, they turned against her because she followed the correct procedures and made her complaint to the BHA thus breaking the unofficial weighing room code of conduct.

    It wasn’t a case of the BHA siding with Frost because of her sex it was Dunne who was targeting her because she is a female. See the evidence at the trial about his treatment of other woman jockeys.

    • Total Posts 746

    My take on it TizaaardsCider is that yet again Racing is shooting itself in the foot with this appeal and the reduced sentence. Where on earth did they dig up this new panel, which as Lydia Hislop said seems to be some sort of old boys club more interested in discussing the jolly japes they had when riding as amateurs themselves, as opposed to actually focusing on the disgraceful behaviour of Robbie Dunne. What happens in October when his suspension ends will be the acid test as to whether racing has actually learnt anything at all from this sorry affair or whether it still has its head stuck in the sand (or somewhere else the sun don’t shine).

    Bryony was brave to bring this to public attention and deserves the support of true horse racing supporters.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    “Where on earth did they dig up this new panel, which as Lydia Hislop said seems to be some sort of old boys club more interested in discussing the jolly japes they had when riding as amateurs themselves, as opposed to actually focusing on the disgraceful behaviour of Robbie Dunne.”



    • Total Posts 7543

    “Would he have spoken to a man that way?

    For example, Anthony Joshua.

    That’s the acid test – if you’re aggressive to anyone in a way you simply wouldn’t be to a World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, you’re being a bully.”

    Yes- a slightly different version of “The Rock Test”:

    • Total Posts 1611

    Do you work in the industry by any chance Tizaaards Cider?

    Tizaaards Cider
    • Total Posts 639

    No marlingford I don’t.

    Also, this site badly needs a quote feature. Talking about things that are Jurassic! A forum with the inability to quote other posters is really archaic!

    What evidence do you have of it being a vile, private and Jurassic club? I mean actual evidence not just what you read from Lydia hyslop or other sections of the media who are suffering from the common societal pressures of forever portraying men as the perpetrator of wrongdoing!?

    What reason did the other female jockeys have for dismissing frosts claims of inappropriate behaviour? She’s the outlier among all this. Usually when something like this is brought up against an alleged offender several others come out and say they too suffered the same form of behaviour from the accused.

    This time?? Nothing. It is almost unanimous in favour of support for Dunne and dismissive of frost. I’d favour those working in the industry and who see both individuals on a daily basis over someone’s opinion piece written in paper who has no evidence or supporting statements to back up what she’s saying.

    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    The other female jockeys did not dismiss Frosts claims.

    One had to speak about his behaviour towards her at which point he left her alone. Evidence was given by an eye witness of him acting inappropriately with another.

    This case is nothing to do with men always being in the wrong. Under no circumstances is Dunnes behaviour acceptable in any workplace.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    “Also, this site badly needs a quote feature. Talking about things that are Jurassic! A forum with the inability to quote other posters is really archaic!”

    Not sure this is a significant issue….

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    “What evidence do you have of it being a vile, private and Jurassic club? I mean actual evidence not just what you read”

    I’m puzzled as to what else to use to form an opinion. I have indeed formed an opinion on what I have read. Including the trial transcripts. Which include the vile comments and threats Dunne made to Bryony Frost, which he did not deny making.

    What “evidence” do you have? Years of CCTV with audio? Fingerprints and DNA samples irrefutably proving Robbie Dunne reads ‘Womans Weekly’ magazine?


    Tizaaards Cider
    • Total Posts 639

    I’m not the one who’s made judgment on the weighing room culture. I haven’t said it’s a bastion of morality and held it up as a beacon for how workplaces operate.

    You’ve called it vile and jurrasic. What makes you say that? Because a man called a woman a few words/names you find offensive? He’s took exception to what he feels is her causing the death of the horse he was riding through poor/aggressive jockeyship. He probably felt at risk of serious injury himself via that.

    Is it inconceivable to conclude he felt aggrieved at her for good reason? He might have tried to remonstrate with her previously in a lesser tone and felt she wasn’t taking notice of what he said.

    Is she supposed to be able to ride in a dangerous manner with no recourse whatsoever from others?

    • Total Posts 1611

    TC, the bar is very low here. Nobody is expecting the racing industry to be a beacon. It is so woefully out of touch currently that I’d settle for it being a torch with low batteries.

    Frost was not found guilty of dangerous riding. Dunne was out of line for continuing to harass her regardless of whether he felt he had a genuine grievance. And this was all part of a wider pattern of behaviour from him as the evidence in the original hearing showed.

    The journalists who have been condemning the ban reduction will be aware that their comments will upset many in the industry. This is an industry they depend on for their livelihoods. Why would they want to make life harder for themselves in this way unless they felt there was a genuine issue that needed highlighting?

    Have you read Lydia Hislop’s description of the appeal? Even if you sympathise with Dunne, surely you can see that the chair was massively biased, with a hint of sexism also thrown into the mix?

    Off topic, I do agree with you that some decent quote functionality on this site would be good!

    • Total Posts 1735

    The stewards did not deem it dangerous riding so why does dunne think he knows best. The defending of dunne on here is very amusing given even with the appeal far more run to suit him he still was found guilty again. As Sean said on racing debate there was nothing in the appeal that merited any reduction. Very sad also that so many still think its OK to belittle someone who is weaker than them.
    Is that where we are now. Incredibly depressing if that’s the case especially as I’m sure everybody in their work have had to put up horrendous behaviour from others. I wouldn’t put up with it so why should frost. It takes all sorts but genuinely baffled how anybody can defend dunne. Worst still how the jockeys didn’t tell him to shut it. Mccoys tweet said everything about the weighing room.

    • Total Posts 204

    Lets not lose sight of the fact that Dunne was found guilty, whatever your view on this whole sorry affair he’s guilty. I’m at a total loss of how the sentence has been reduced to ten months, how the old boys club of nine men came to preside over this and concerned if racing is going to learn anything about this. I fear come October Dunne will be welcomed back into the fold with open arms by his colleagues and nothing will have changed; I sincerely hope i am wrong.

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