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Dominic Cummings

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  • #1542434
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    The papers are not all written by the AIER. And are they any less expert than Sage, many of whom are behavioural scientists and not medically qualified? Not to mention Professor Ferguson and his wildly inaccurate forecasts (for which he has form) and which played a huge part in the atmosphere of panic which got us into this situation, whipped up by an hysterical media.

    As for New Zealand, the comparison is ridiculous. It is miles away from anywhere, even from Australia. It is not a major transport hub, like this country.

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    I don’t know if the people of New Zealnad would agree with you, and their strategy was
    hailed as a success, but fine, you want another more suitable comparison, try China. Is
    that Major enough for you?

    They may not all be written by AIER, but they are promoted on their site, which is why
    you tagged them. Are they as qualified as whoever? I couldn’t give a monkeys if their
    attitude is that climate change is minor and manageable, sweatshops for multinationals
    bring benefits to the people working in them and choping down the Rainforest is okay
    by them. They also paid for ads on facebook promoting articles against government
    social distancing measures and mask mandates, a strategy taken by the rest of the world.
    They have a great deal of money invested in various businesses and I think it’s pretty
    clear that tops their agenda.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    In the cool light of day I would like to temper my late night comments in respect of those made in combat against the fine forensic minds of Drone and Ginger. Both your comments are valid re the current stats. The hindsight argument has some power too, but there were still endemic failings and an inability by the the Prime Minister to put his stamp on addressing how to deal with problems and overriding the slow wheels and competing factions of state.

    Corky I don’t share your views. Lockdowns may kick the can down the road but they do buy useful time. Controlling borders are an essential tool too, which was missing from the government’s approach until the last minute.

    Cummings said that for him to have opposed and called out the then current groupthink in government would have been tremendously difficult and what if he had been wrong ? Well Robin Cook took on Blair, and its a question of what sort of person you are. Do you want to risk your power and position for the greater good ?

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    Quite prepared to believe I’ve been guilty of contradiction Gamble, on several occasions I expect, as it strikes me that reformulation of opinion when dealing with the evolution of a great unknown is necessary: how can anyone hold the same opinions now, having a plethora of data to mull than they did 14 months ago when there wasn’t any?

    However, my post that provoked your ire did not mention nor consider population density: it was just a comaparison between countries with overall ‘large’ populations, made because the sample sizes are likely to supply more robust data. I could have included relative tiddlers such as Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia and Slovenia – all well above 2,000 deaths/million – and champions-elect Hungary at 3,077

    Ginger waded in with population density, not me; as a misjudged adjunct to my post or not I don’t know

    I despise our flyweight government with a vengeance, so don’t misconstrue my post as an attempt to defend them: just a bit of perspective, that’s all

    • Total Posts 2901

    Population density per country isn’t everything and can be deceiving. Take Canada which has masses and masses of land without a habitant in sight. But the cities are just as packed as ours.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    All power to your elbow Drone – and yes homer, Canada probably mimicks Australia in large expansive land masses.

    A lot of us choose to live in little boxes – but lockdowns force us to stay in them and when stuck inside them a long time – we can start to revaluate what is important and what matters to us – it can be quite creative – others just turn the menace on and let that think.

    • Total Posts 7845

    Tank I am from London mate

    • Total Posts 2553

    Fair enough, Ted


    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    “I am no good at judging the size of pandemics Ted, but I’d say if you opened the front door there’d be seventeen million bugs out there, waiting to get in.”

    Nestled in the chiltern hills and set in a thousand acres of lush countryside is a fine 16th century red brick mansion just 40 miles from bokebrankciti with a small army of attendant Wrens at your every beck and call to bring you bone china tea, vintage wine and any canopy
    your heart could desire, as you rest under your sunshade with your intended, and her lovely wanton smile – as big as the Cheddar Gorge
    As Dennis famously said to Margaret – ” Chequers is the reason you get the job “…

    Who’s this Dennis Ted ” ? ” Just watch the filum ”

    ” Not now Carrie can’t you walk the dog – you’re worse than a Cobra the way you wrap yourself around me and stifle my creativity. Dont you know I’ve got to get this Wordsworth finished be the end of March latest.”

    So she lent in and removing her hand from his tussled locks she spied his writing.

    I wandered lonely from the crowd
    To float my boat o’er vales and hills,
    When all at once I was in a row,
    With Carrie about the wine she spilled;
    Beside my tie, right down to my knees
    She goads my ire,
    but I never tire
    Such a lovely mover is my squeeze.

    ” Ted can we watch Daffy Duck ” ?

    • Total Posts 2553

    You’ve got too much time on your hands, mate :scratch:

    • Total Posts 2553

    I’ve read it again, gamble, and it’s slowly growing on me…

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