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Dominic Cummings

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  • #1542294
    • Total Posts 7845

    After today what do we think

    • Total Posts 2553

    Anyone who could keep a straight face giving that ridiculous excuse about the trip up to Barnard Castle is OK in my book. And now he’s slagged off Boris and Hancock, especially Hancock, he gets a big thumbs up from me :good:

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999


    IMO it’s a horrible, shallow, self-serving game, played out by horrible, shallow, self-serving people.

    Tbh, I don’t need Cummings to tell me that Johnson isn’t fit for office – it’s been obvious all along.

    Sadly, however, Cummings continues to connive – note he exempted Rishi Sunak from his most venomous attacks.

    He clearly sees Sunak as the next PM and the man to hitch his wagon to.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2553

    So Dom is looking out for his and his family’s best interests- good for him.

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    I don’t disagree with you Ian, I think they are all a shower of sh*t. I have to say there
    was, to my mind, the ring of truth about a lot he said and I think it speaks volumes that
    Boris, whilst saying they did everything possible to save people, hasn’t yet said Cummings
    is lying. Problem is he doesn’t know who will corroborate Cummings once they realise the
    ship might be going down, so he doesn’t want to lie in the commons and be caught out later.
    Tomorrow should be interesting to see what spin there is from Boris and Matt. That sounds like
    an old music hall couple, maybe they could team up and tread the boards, or maybe a magician
    double act and saw Carrie in half, I think Dom would be all for that one :yes:

    • Total Posts 7845

    Very quiet about Gove today to I always had a feeling Gove be next leader with Cummings coming back. I think wife of Gove works at the mail. Or a owner there

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I do find it amusing that this time last year lots of left wing commentators thought that Cummings was the devil Incarnate because of his role in Brexit and Johnson’s election victory. And they were calling him to be tarred, feathered and strung up after his Barnard Castle jaunt.

    However, now he is putting the boot into Johnson, all of a sudden his every word is treated as if it is holy writ.

    He comes across as bitter and out to settle scores. Having said that, I reckon he is right about Hancock. Someone who should never have been anywhere near the Cabinet. I think the media pressure on him will intensify and Johnson will have to sack him. In my opinion, he ought to be prosecuted over the care home scandal.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    The problem is this is the most dumbed-down government of any Party in my lifetime.

    The PM is a Brexit-advocating lazy incompetent who craves power, but lacks the wit/drive to wield it and consequently is insecure about surrounding himself with people of competence and calibre.

    It’s a Cabinet where the criteria for entry were being fiercely pro Brexit and a Johnson cheerleader.

    I’m no great fan of John Hunt or Theresa May, but at least they had a degree of competence and experience – ditto others excluded – which might have saved lives in a crisis.

    Hancock is the most inept man I have ever seen hold high public office – and at the worst possible time in history for it to occur.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Agree Johnson has a lightweight Cabinet but they are not all pro-Brexit. Hancock campaigned to Remain.

    Colin Phillips
    • Total Posts 313

    Question : Who is telling the truth?

    Answer : None of the bastards!

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    It was riveting TV yesterday, although most of it was stating the bleeding obvious.

    I’m a lifelong Conservative, for many years an activist, but even I will admit this is the most incompetent Government in my lifetime and that says a lot having lived through the Premierships of Wilson, Heath and Callaghan.

    I was saying before he was elected leader that Johnson was not suited to be PM, he was lazy as Mayor of London, why would he be any better with even greater responsibility. He’s singularly incapable of recognising the truth, all he cares about is Boris.

    Hancock, I despise with a vengeance – I can only assume he has some serious dirt on Johnson, that’s the only reason I can see he’s keeping his job. Anyone who has worked in the NHS will tell you he has spouted bare faced lies in the House and at briefings – so why should anything he says be taken on trust? The holding back of tests so he could reach his 100,000 tests a day target was blindingly obvious.

    As for sending untested residents back to care homes, that is simply criminally negligent.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I think any government, however competent, would struggle to deal with this crisis but having an incompetent Government has made matters worse.

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Well said Paul, I think that sums it up nicely.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    I haven’t seen, heard or read anything
    But it Doesn’t make a difference what, how, who bad anyway as we are a national of Torie voters.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Definitely true, Nathan.

    Death only affects the dead (and their families), unemployment only affects the unemployed (and their families), low taxation benefits everyone who pays tax.

    Only an act of economic incompetence – like Black Monday in 1992 – which adversely affects everyone can knacker the Conservatives at a subsequent election.

    It’s the economic fall out from Covid – not the needless deaths themselves – that is the only danger to a 2024 Conservative win.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    There was an opinion poll this week showing Labour 18% behind the Conservatives. Shocking for an opposition to be in such a position as we approach mid-term.

    Another poll showed “Don’t Know” doing better than Starmer when people were asked who should be the next PM.

    The Batley by-election is key. If Starmer can pull of a win there – and choosing Jo Cox’s sister as the candidate despite her only joining the party last week looks like a desperate last throw of the dice – then he might survive. If he loses, the pressure dial goes up to 11.

    To be fair to Starmer, Labour’s problems are greater than the leader. And I agree that their best hope is a serious economic meltdown due to the fallout from lockdown. The latest inflation figures should be making the government worried.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    If I were still in a position where I had some influence my advice to the Conservative party would be:-

    a) get the Fixed Term Parliament law scrapped asap

    b) depending on how COVID is going, call a snap election either October this year or May next year – it couldn’t be any later than May, otherwise you will be in Public Inquiry territory. Labour would be unlikely to have pulled back their deficit in the polls, most of the population would be fully vaccinated, life should be returning to “normal” and the economic impact will not have peaked.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Depressing thing is that so many credible commentators have been saying this for the last year but only now that it comes from the mouth of this treacherous, bitter little scumbag does the mainstream media take any notice.

    As Nathan says, Johnson could come out wearing the pelt of his dog as a scarf over a “I killed 160,000” T-Shirt and a substantial proportion of the electorate would still claim he’s done a great job.

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