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  • #1241880
    Old Applejack
    • Total Posts 209

    It might not be too bad. When ITV cover the cycling, they have interesting and knowledgable presenters, pundits and commentators. Granted, this is on ITV4, but I’d quite happily see the racing there if it means forsaking the celeb-based approach described above. Whichever channel it is though, please no Matt Chapman…

    I wasn’t paying all that much attention yesterday, but I saw there was zero coverage of the parade (the chance for once a year watchers to see their horse and colours), and they seemed totally unprepared for the start of the race – Mick Fitz still gabbling to camera while the horses behind him were walking in. It could have been done a lot better.

    • Total Posts 1665

    I thought the coverage was pretty good, especially the post-race analysis. C4 definitely raised their game, sadly for them too late

    Hard-core fans always complain when these world class sporting events are on TV that it’s dumbed down and they’ve sold out to the hoi polloi.

    But people need to remember that events like the GN or the Silverstone grand prix attract once-a-year viewers that aren’t au fait with all the nerdy minutiae that “proper” sports fans adore.


    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    Bake Off: Creme de la Creme finished at 5pm and there was an awkward 15 minutes to fill until I was considering hopping over to C4, so I started to watch the World’s Weirdest Events featuring Chris Packham, the Russian Tundra, Underwater Lakes and Salmon Cannons.. Began getting engrossed when I noticed it was about 5.16pm – ‘buggeration!’ and over I hopped just in time to witness Mick Fitzgerald mixing ‘n’ mincing his cliches as the field lined up for another weird event.

    An entertaining race enjoyed, and at circa 5.35pm after the Misses Plunkett and Ramsden double act had finished it wasn’t back to Mr Packham, goggler off

    May I suggest to those who seem to hate racing broadcasts that you follow my example

    Avatar photoMatron
    • Total Posts 6836

    It might not be too bad. When ITV cover the cycling, they have interesting and knowledgable presenters, pundits and commentators. Granted, this is on ITV4, but I’d quite happily see the racing there if it means forsaking the celeb-based approach described above. Whichever channel it is though, please no Matt Chapman…

    Quite agree, specially with their coverage of the Tour de France – Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen especially outrank Eurosport’s race commentators.

    Avatar photoCrepello1957
    • Total Posts 784

    If I am (rarely now) watching the racing live, I pause it and do some jobs in the house, or send some emails, then I have control and can skim through b list celebs, Tanya et al and focus on runners in the paddock, going down and the race. Can’t bear Alice with her pole mike.
    Missing out the parade was crazy, people who watch once a year will never have seen the horses. In the old days we saw them all, somehow this caused me to connect less with the race…..I watch racing regularly, so what effect might it have on those who watch it less? The build up was terrible and Mick was wrong footed at the start.

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    May I suggest to those who seem to hate racing broadcasts that you follow my example

    Does that include the BHA? They are the ones who have ditched C4.

    The move to ITV is an opportunity to weed out some of the chaff that we all know shouldn’t be in front of a camera broadcasting racing. Let’s hope the opportunity is taken.

    • Total Posts 4457

    Hopefully ITV will snap up Hayley. Have you seen her on ATR recently? Knowledgeable, witty and delivery improving all the time. Must have been coached by someone pretty talented……….:)

    "this perfect mix of poetry and destruction, this glory of rhythm, power and majesty: the undisputed champion of the world!!!"

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    • Total Posts 2804

    Oh please let it be Matt Chapman

    Two posts down:

    Whichever channel it is though, please no Matt Chapman…

    Therein lies the problem with trying to please the public!


    • Total Posts 1200

    Hopefully ITV will snap up Hayley. Have you seen her on ATR recently? Knowledgeable, witty and delivery improving all the time. Must have been coached by someone pretty talented……….:)

    I presume that’s a joke?

    Avatar photogrey dolphin
    • Total Posts 650

    It might not be too bad. When ITV cover the cycling, they have interesting and knowledgable presenters, pundits and commentators. Granted, this is on ITV4, but I’d quite happily see the racing there if it means forsaking the celeb-based approach described above. Whichever channel it is though, please no Matt Chapman…

    Quite agree, specially with their coverage of the Tour de France – Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen especially outrank Eurosport’s race commentators.

    Sherwen perhaps… In the time he isn’t spending correcting Liggett!

    Avatar photoKenh
    • Total Posts 750

    I believe they no longer have a parade prior to the race so C4 can’t show it if it does not exist.

    Avatar photoKenh
    • Total Posts 750

    Just after I typed last post confirmed on ATR Sunday forum that there is no parade.Good thing as well.

    Avatar photoCrepello1957
    • Total Posts 784

    I did wonder Ken H if it had been discontinued.
    Then they should have made more effort to show the runners in the paddock instead of interviewing footballers.

    Avatar photoKenh
    • Total Posts 750

    C4 have said 10m audience at peak. 59% audience share.

    Avatar photoMatron
    • Total Posts 6836

    Quite agree, specially with their coverage of the Tour de France – Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen especially outrank Eurosport’s race commentators.

    Sherwen perhaps… In the time he isn’t spending correcting Liggett!


    I agree Liggett sometimes has his moments – but, at least Sherwen & Liggett both have an understanding of the French language.

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    Oh please let it be Matt Chapman

    Two posts down:

    Whichever channel it is though, please no Matt Chapman…

    Therein lies the problem with trying to please the public!


    Don’t think it’s a problem, surely it’s perfectly normal for some folk to like someone and others not.

    As for Chappers, not my cup of tea, find him too overbearing.

    Avatar photobetlarge
    • Total Posts 2804

    Oh please let it be Matt Chapman

    Two posts down:

    Whichever channel it is though, please no Matt Chapman…

    Therein lies the problem with trying to please the public!


    Don’t think it’s a problem, surely it’s perfectly normal for some folk to like someone and others not.

    Quite, that’s precisely my point. Nothing really to do with Matt Chapman, just saying that if you ask a hundred viewers what they would like to see on a racing broadcast, you’ll get a hundred different answers!


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