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Champion Hurdle 2012

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  • #387586
    • Total Posts 1835

    Doesn’t sound too hopeful, shame :|

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    Rumour on twitter that despite Henderson saying this post-gallop earlier on today;

    “They both went well, but Spirit Son had a good blow after the piece of work, and I feel it is very unlikely that he will go to Ireland."

    and Barry Geraghty saying this;

    "Spirit Son pleased me in a good, stiff piece of work that will have bought him on a lot because he did need it. He’s coming to hand very nicely."

    actually Henderson was not happy.

    Must stress this is purely a rumour, but wouldn’t surprise any of us I don’t think.

    Edit – the rumour has been developed upon slightly. Allegedly, Riverside Theatre made Spirit Son look slow.

    Avatar photoHurdygurdyman
    • Total Posts 1533

    Spirit Son has been injured again "Z" and wont go to Cheltenham

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    Not surprised.

    Nicky Henderson is a criminal in my humble and honest opinion. Could’ve made a statement last night. The amount of times this kind of stuff happens to him, jesus wept.

    • Total Posts 5228

    Has he said the horse is definitely out or made some wishy-washy statement?

    I wonder whether this horse has ever been ‘on target’ for the Champion.

    • Total Posts 1835

    Has he said the horse is definitely out or made some wishy-washy statement?

    I wonder whether this horse has ever been ‘on target’ for the Champion.

    Just saw in his interview on 4 that he was unlikely to run, but nothing was for certain right now. He said he didn’t want to make any definite statements after saying Binocular was out a couple of years ago and thus getting slated after going on to win the thing.

    Well what does the man expect??

    Avatar photoHurdygurdyman
    • Total Posts 1533

    Bit unfair lads. Don’t assume when barry says I rode him work this morning that he rode him work that morning. Editors change minor things like the actual day to make their news more newsy if you follow my drift. When that article was written Barry would have no idea there was a problem

    I’ve seen all this before and all the crap that goes with it. A complete misunderstanding on what a trainers responsibilities
    are to the public his owners and to himslef.. The fact the horse drifted on Betfair is meaningless the lads can’t keep their mouth shut in any yard and some actually get paid to tip people off when something goes amiss well before the trainer is in a position to make a statement.

    The same happened at Jackdaw with Exoitic. He had slightly hurt his back so Jonjo decided to let him go for a swim and see how he was in the morning before telling anyone as he didn’t want to set off alarm bells which can cause havoc and are often false alarms.

    The next thing was the phone starts ringing off the hook and it’s the media wanting him to confirm the horse was injured and wouldn’t be running only Exotic by this time had shown marked improvement and very little sign it wasn’t anything more than a minor glitch. The man was annoyed someone had obviously tipped of the press so he told them the horse is fine which was the truth when he was asked and put the phone down or so the story goes. The next thing he was a liar, he had let down the punters and all sort of crap because he thought best to be 100% certain before saying anything.

    This may or may not have been the same but one thing for sure Nicky was fuming today when someone tried to question him live on radio before he was ready when his intention telling all the media at the same time via ATR I believe.

    Some idiots from the yard did exactly the same as what happened at Jackdaw, not Nicky Henderson and he certainly wouldn’t be tipping of his mates to lay him on Betfair. Amount of money involved wouldn’t buy them a tank of petrol for their ferrari’s ffs.Plus some were guessing what horse it was and Grandouet hit 11 I heard ?

    So lets not go there it’s pointless and saying things like the man is a gangster no offence Z, not when he’s airing on the side of caution.

    I am not trying to defend Nicky Henderon just explain why these things are never easy for any trainer. Actually when any horse drifts more than a few points in AP market when it’s months before the race Betfair should have an automatic suspension built in until it can be investigated. These markets barely move in a week let alone minutes and that is very easy to spot when something out of the ordinary is afoot

    Following the Binocular fiasco which was totally genuine no way does NH want a repeat so as far as I can see he’s not said for definite he wont run just in case, but the reality apparently is he’s got 2 chances and the second one is a dogs chance in hell.

    At the end of the day it’s a real blow to the race itself which is damn annoying.

    The fact there was three challengers better than Oscar’s Whisky going to take the Fly on was interesting to say the least but with possibly the best one gone the race looks like it could fall apart yet again especially if Hurricane Fly were to beat Binocular decisively beforehand

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    Well I think he’s an untrustworthy lying criminal.

    Told everyone on the Saturday that Bob’s Worth was running in the Neptune. Acquaintance of mine who has horses with him told me Nicky said he was running in the Albert Bartlett.

    At the same time they found out there was a problem with one of Nicky’s horses. 2 days later the story about Binocular broke.

    He lied about Binocular being out the year before, he lied about Moonlit Path & now he’s waited 15 hours before telling us about Spirit Son.

    And Fist, Barry was there for the gallop. He’d have been well aware that SS had been overtaken by Riverside Theatre. I doubt this was a ‘good piece of work’, as Bardy referred to it.

    Avatar photoHosshead85
    • Total Posts 41

    Yet another boost for the Triumph form yesterday with Smad Place hosing up at Ascot. Only negative against Zarkandar at present is the fact we haven’t seen him yet this season.Looking ahead, jockey bookings could be interesting.Ruby on Hurricane Fly,AP on Binocular…PN has Rock on Ruby and poss Brampour in the race too.I’d imagine Jacob on Zark,Derham on Brampour and maybe Fehily on R.O.R…Thoughts folks??

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    Yeah that sounds about right. Nicholls confirmed Brampour would run, although quite why I don’t know. He’ll get horribly outpaced and I find it unthinkable that he’ll finish better than 6th.

    Almost think they’d be better off running him in the County or waiting for Aintree.

    Avatar photoHosshead85
    • Total Posts 41

    Agree with that for sure.Why on earth you’d run Brampour when you already have two horses like Zarkandar and Rock on Ruby in the race is beyond me.My bet is going to be Hurricane Fly / Zarkandar reverse forecast I think.

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    I was slightly concerned about Hurricane Fly and Zarkandar going to the Festival with just 1 run under their belts due to the poor record of such horses, but upon closer inspection it’s nothing to be concerned about I think. Sublimity may be the only one since 1998 to do it, but Valiramix was simply running away when he stumbled in 2002 and the majority of the others to have failed were simply not good enough anyway.

    They are, btw, Dato Star in 98, Istabraq in 02, Westender (2nd) and Like A Butterfly in 03, Sublimity in 08 and Osana in 09.

    There may be others from the last 2 years but I’m watching Ravens Pats right now and don’t have time to check!

    Avatar photoSea Pigeon
    • Total Posts 296

    If Hurricane Fly becomes a non runner, expect to see Peddlars Cross back in the mix, his trainer intimated this on the stable tour.

    Avatar photosketti
    • Total Posts 343

    I am convinced Rock on Ruby is the horse to be on in the market without Hurricane Fly.

    The triumph horses are always overbet in this and they need to buck trends and improve hugely in the season. I just don’t trust Grandoeut one bit, he finds trouble in small fields so the competitive chapion race will be monstrous.

    Zarkandar has to prove to me he has improved, i don’t deal in potential for alone for the championships.

    Binocular won’t be getting faster since his weaker win previously.

    Rock on Ruby ran an excellent second at the festival last year, the neptune has previous champion hurdlers come out of it. The top weight hurdle win this season was exceptional, the extra stamina will stand him in good stead. The loss to binocular was in a small field over a course that suited the winner, besides ror would have passed in a steep finish.

    8/1 ew nrnb. YES PLEASE

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    You just couldn’t make it up. The Nicky Henderson stable, my god. Nothing’s been confirmed but Oscar Whisky now trading at 8.2/8.8 for the World Hurdle and 25/32 for the Champion Hurdle.

    Avatar photosketti
    • Total Posts 343

    Chemical Nicky strikes again??

    • Total Posts 1835

    I was only forsaking all others by assuming Spirit Son could take it, and even then I thought I’d be lucky to get this so long as Hurricane Fly was out of it. Obviously now, Spirit Son is out and the Fly looks a likely runner. Hearing off Ruby he’s been thrilling on the gallops. A fit Hurricane Fly would never lose, and call me premature, especially before the Irish Champion, but it sounds as if he’s back.

    There are 2 brilliant horses in the race, and in essence you’d give the horse with the runs under their belt the favouritism. However both brilliant horses – Hurricane Fly and Zarkandar, haven’t yet run this season.

    Give him a year or 2 and Zarkandar may yet be a star, but while Hurricane Fly’s on the scene, there is only one folks. This is no contest.

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