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Burton Port

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  • #751497
    • Total Posts 473

    I could be wrong but I don’t think horses who die on a racecourse are allowed to enter the human food chain. Horse flesh used for human consumption has to go through the slaughter system because of DEFRA rules on medication etc.

    I repeat though – can we not just stop arguing and pay tribute to beautiful little Burton Port? Please?

    • Total Posts 320

    Bonanzaboy, we are not arguing or treating each other with disrespect. We just share our different views and believe me that I’m always saddened to read new threads on this board.
    If you have already noticed, I mentioned how much the horse was in pain after his fall and this is what makes me sick and angry. From my point of view it isn’t that wrong to share my thoughts with you and other people and also to try and understand someone else’s opinion.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    But, my points are:
    1. If we all love these animals then we should pay more attention to the circumstances regarding their deaths. It is too easy to say that a racecourse fatality is just one of those things. “Those things” happen year in, year out about 500 times (considering Irish and Flat racing). I think it is a bit too easy to dismiss every fatality just in the same way.

    There is no “if”, we do love these animals and we do pay “attention to the circumstances regarding their deaths”.

    I’d never call any fatality “just one of those things”, we should always look at what can be done to improve the number of deaths. But when it comes to the death of these beautiful animals it is sometimes difficult not to be emotional and keep our wish/need to blame someone in check. Otherwise it is “a bit too easy” to find a scapegoat and end up blaming innocent people.

    I don’t mind having a discussion and disagreeing with anyone as long as the facts are given properly. When it comes to blaming someone for the death of an animal these facts need to be presented correctly. Please can you put the inaccuracies right in your previous posts that totally exaggerate what happened to Burton Port RL? Am not accusing you of doing so… but otherwise it makes it look as though you’re attempting to mislead forumites/readers and/or lying because of a need to blame someone for the death… Am sure you do not want that.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    I could be wrong but I don’t think horses who die on a racecourse are allowed to enter the human food chain. Horse flesh used for human consumption has to go through the slaughter system because of DEFRA rules on medication etc.

    That is correct Bonanzaboy.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 473

    Shortened dictionary meaning of the word argue:

    give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view.

    make a case for, give reasons for, defend, explain, vindicate, justify;

    in a heated or angry way.

    I loved Burton Port – tiny, game, one of my many favourites. But some of the comments surrounding his death and the causes have been over emotional, over the top.

    The death of two other horses have been posted in the last few days – the death of one absolutely directly caused by incorrect human actions. Not a comment posted about it.

    My point I suppose being that Burton Port is being lost in all of this.

    Maybe I don’t explain myself very well.

    • Total Posts 473

    Shortened dictionary meaning of the word argue:

    give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view.

    make a case for, give reasons for, defend, explain, vindicate, justify;

    in a heated or angry way.

    I loved Burton Port – tiny, game, one of my many favourites. But some of the comments surrounding his death and the causes have been over emotional, over the top.

    The death of two other horses have been posted in the last few days – the death of one absolutely directly caused by incorrect human actions. Not a comment posted about it.

    My point I suppose being that Burton Port is being lost in all of this.

    Maybe I don’t explain myself very well.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32177

    RIP Burton Port….. :(

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoRacing Daily
    • Total Posts 1416

    I’d never call any fatality “just one of those things”, we should always look at what can be done to improve the number of deaths. But when it comes to the death of these beautiful animals it is sometimes difficult not to be emotional and keep our wish/need to blame someone in check. Otherwise it is “a bit too easy” to find a scapegoat and end up blaming innocent people.

    Its ‘just one of those things’ in that the equine frame is what it is. Vulnerable to injury. If you saw the At Reception injury, that was nobody’s fault and could have happened to any rider on any horse at any venue. The horse was hoofing along on the flat, then BANG, gone.

    Of course we do what we can to minimise incidents, but injuries will still happen. You could ban NH racing and injuries would still happen. And when they do, it IS just one of those things as you can never eliminate all danger to horse or jockey. I think NH racing is getting its act together, but it will never be in a position to do ALL it can as its a money sport that demands jock gives horse a fair crack at running to its best possible position. In such a position, chances will be taken.

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16969

    Wonderful horse and devastating news he has gone this way.
    RIP Burton Port old friend and thank you for all the memories..just went back to look at some of his old pictures and cried my eyes out.
    Some horses have a way of touching your heart and he was on of those.
    Condolences to all connections and sorry he won’t have the happy retirement that AP will no doubt enjoy..needless to say I’m not AP’s greatest fan. :(

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    Seventy Four
    • Total Posts 155

    Terribly sad about Burton Port – one of my big time favourites and a really gutsy horse, who never really, in my opinion anyway, received the credit he deserved for some tremendous performances.

    I am really upset that he has not lived to get a happy retirement, as he deserved one, but I know that life is not fair and can often seem so cruel.

    R.I.P Burton Port – sleep well old fella. :(

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