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Bryony back with a bang

Home Forums Horse Racing Bryony back with a bang

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  • #1618388
    • Total Posts 1735

    What would be good is if we didnt hear any more comments now until there is somethibg to comment on. Hes done his time and while i doubt he has changed he will get the benefit of the doubt. My worry is the code of silence will still operate but i really hope it doesnt.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Back with a bang in October but Bryony’s stats for the season are 7 winners from 63 rides.

    I recall she picked up an injury in an incident at Bangor which knocked her back. But these are still disappointing figures.

    I hope she is not suffering any kind of reaction against her from the Dunne case, or have I missed something?

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    For a Grade 1-winning jockey who is manifestly both a tactically-astute judge of pace and a ruthlessly (half length you and put you on the deck as soon as look at you) proficient horsewoman at an obstacle, her lack of recent opportunities is quite incredible.

    Whereas the inferior jockey she had a well-documented run in with seems, if anything, to be getting more opportunities than his calibre warrants, all simply IMO, of course.

    To paraphrase Damon Runyon (again): “If this isn’t a blatant case of an industry cold-shouldering someone it will do until a blatant case of an industry cold-shouldering someone comes along.”

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
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    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Is she still knocking about with Mullins junior ? , I thought she may head to Ireland if things are quiet here , with Frodon in the twilight of his career she really needs a new good horse

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I think there would be even less chance of her getting on board a good horse in Ireland. She would be riding something like the Mullins sixth choice in the Thyestes or Galway Plate.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    One ride at Wetherby, one winner.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    Good for her, but I think she just tried too much to change weighing room culture. Sadly, too many racing people aren’t ready for that kind of move and she might not be welcome at all in IRE.

    Tizaaards Cider
    • Total Posts 639

    She complained about someone using some unsavoury language towards her after they felt she was riding in an unsafe manner which caused the death of his horse.

    When given an earful by Robbie Dunne she’s given plenty of abuse back here self and decided that she should or could try and pin something on him that simply isn’t there.

    It was a frank exchange of views. To try and portray it as bullying is really despicable behaviour. She wasn’t bullied in the slightest. Her peers both male and female spoke out against her and in favour of Robbie Dunne during the whole trial. Tom Scudamore even said her riding is often bordering on over stepping the mark on occasion.

    She’s not got the initial reaction she wanted and behaved like a self entitled brat by making these accusations.

    The BHA have behaved in the way I expected. Cowardly and incompetent. Because there is such a shift towards far left leaning politics in all walks of society these days in every aspect of the media they’ve been left with no other alternative to be seen to be doing something.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “she should or could try and pin something on him that simply isn’t there.”

    I had no idea you were present and witnessed it all, TC!

    “there is such a shift toward far left leaning politics in all walks of society these days”

    And there was me thinking we were entering our 13th (unlucky for some!) year of a Conservative government!

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Tizaaards Cider
    • Total Posts 639

    I never heard or saw a thing Ian.

    But others were and nobody has come out to speak in defence of her. To the contrary a number of female jockeys commented on Dunne being nothing more than a gentleman.

    You’re not seriously suggesting there hasn’t been a seismic push in recent years to highlight what the feminist and far left like to label as the “tyrannical patriarchy”

    Bryony thought she was onto a dead cert as soon as she cried the puppy dog tears and it’s backfired on her.

    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    Absolute tosh!!

    Nobody came out in defence of Bryony because of the weighing room culture of keeping things in house as was adequately described in court during Freddie Tylicki’s case. Bryony’s only crime was to do the right thing and report the abuse to the authorities instead of leaving the weighing room to sort things out.

    And you know fine well it wasn’t just a case of a bit of verbal abuse. Showing yourself naked and simulating sex with a female jockey are completely out of order and nothing to do with bad riding.

    Trying to end discrimination against women and people of different ethnicities is not “leaning far left”. Don’t you watch the news? The Met police have admitted that on average three officers a week are facing court primarily for offences against women and girls. I’ve heard myself this week examples of my sister enduring a ride with a creepy taxi driver and chatting to a police officer(on duty) outside a club who discreetly removed his wedding ring.

    There’s a long way to go to make things safe for women in this world and the Bryony case shows that racing is further behind than most of society in this respect.

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    Totally agree, Patriot.
    British racing remains stuck in the dark ages on many issues; it’s still a ‘closed shop’ in some areas. Full of countryside cliques that keep it ‘exclusive’ in some areas, esp in national hunt.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “There’s a long way to go to make things safe for women in this world.”

    Indeed there is – but I wonder how many people on the progressive left who say how much they care about the safety of women and girls also support the right of men to say they are women after just three months and be entitled to access to women only spaces?

    Plenty of prominent left wing politicians including senior women in the Labour Party are on record as saying that male rapists who identify as women should be allowed in female prisons. Sturgeon also thought so, before a public outcry has forced her into a screeching U turn.

    Only last week an SNP MP and an MSP were photographed at a trans rights protest march in front of placards saying “Decapitate Terfs”. Has Sturgeon condemned them or taken any disciplinary action?

    Last week in the House of Commons, Rosie Duffield (Labour MP for Canterbury) spoke in the debate prompted by Westminster blocking the Scottish Parliament’s trans Bill. When she spoke of the need for women to have safe spaces, several of her own side’s MPs could be heard trying to shout her down, most audibly Ben Bradshaw and the horrendous Lloyd Russell-Moyle. When Conservative MP Miriam Cates was speaking in support of Duffield, Russell-Moyle crossed the floor and sat as close as he could and glared at her in a blatant attempt at intimidation. I can only imagine the Left’s reaction if a male Conservative MP had done it to a female Labour MP.

    I am not aware of Keir Starmer condemning Bradshaw and Russell-Moyle or offering any support to Duffield.

    I think it is entirely fair to ask anyone who speaks up for women’s rights where they stand on the issue of women only spaces. If they say it is OK for biological men to be allowed in, then their alleged concern for women can be dismissed as empty posturing.

    Tizaaards Cider
    • Total Posts 639

    Ok then patriot. Where do you want me to start with picking apart the utter 5hite you’ve just posted?

    A long way to go to make sure women are safe?? How about we start with making men safe? Or are you not aware that men are something like 2.5 times more likely to be victims of violent crime?

    I do watch the news. And clearly so do you. The difference is you’re stupid enough to be fooled into thinking everything the BBC tells you that men are nothing more than evil rapists and murderers. Of course there are going to be a handful of men in a organisation of 43000. 2 or 3 a week. Is it really that surprising?

    There are now government directives to organisations that there has to be more women recruited to senior positions to try to be more egalitarian for no reason other than to be seen to be more “fair”

    Not that it should be decided on talent/ability or relevant experience/expertise. Just because of their gender.

    But you still think that it’s women who are being treat unfairly? Go and give your head a wobble! Simp.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Good grief, we’ve gone from a couple of jockeys having a spat to some mysterious far left cabal taking over every aspect of public life in five minutes flat. Only on the Internet.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Richard, I am pointing out the glaring inconsistency between people who say they want the world to be safer for women and in the next breath say they support the right of biological men to be allowed into traditional female only spaces. Or, in the case of senior politicians like Lisa Nandy, support the right of male rapists to be put in women’s prisons (she is on film saying it).

    A lot of people are not convinced this will make women safer.

    Or would you rather we not talk about it?

    • Total Posts 2849

    Wasn’t refering to your post at all. You raise valid points, as usual. We cannot be letting people decide on a whim that they are a woman this week, at least not when it comes to accessing female only spaces, I quite agree.

    Anyone suggesting that there is ‘a shift towards far left leaning politics in all walks of society these days in every aspect of the media’ however is living in some sort of parallel universe, or perhaps just not paying much attention.

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