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BHA timekeeping

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  • #272898
    • Total Posts 2003

    Is Ostermeyer pitching for a job with The Rabble’s integrity team? He certainly seems to be on message – if you can’t catch the real criminals, criminalise those you can catch.

    I don’t see how this incident, or anything he’s said, is Kertons for the Pottsmeister’s integrity.

    This thread is about the BHA’s new Time Team. Those charged with ensuring punters see the start of races in full screen (and some might claim full horror). Let’s keep on topic.

    • Total Posts 17716

    Nicely done, AP, though whether that’s enough to knock Paul off his pedastal is anybody’s guess.

    Hopefully Power Shared is none-the-worse for the incident.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Nicely done, AP, though whether that’s enough to knock Paul off his pedastal is anybody’s guess.

    Hopefully Power Shared is none-the-worse for the incident.

    Must be ok, he’s declared in the 1:55 at Uttoxeter this afternoon. Better luck with him this afternoon, AP. 8)

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    Do I detect some ‘history’ here?

    An exchange of words, a meeting of minds, a clash of strong characters sometime on one of the 60

    APR nicked the 7/2 and left OsterPaul with the 100/30 perhaps?

    Summat and nowt

    The confrontational approach and disagreement for disagreement’s sake is a hallmark of Paul’s posts and is for the most part welcome: rough, tough debate, those with a thin skin should mark him ‘foe’ or look away now

    However on this thread a snide vindictiveness has replaced measured confrontation: an ulterior motive and a pounce the Osterbeast had been patiently waiting to make: gotcha!

    Personally I see nothing whatsoever in APR’s initial post to warrant such a vitriolic attack unless you believe ‘chinless wonder’ should be put through the swear filter

    the whistle goes for no side

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Excellent post, Drone.

    For a minute there last night, we had an Elephant in the Room situation going on. Thanks to Ricky and Reet Hard for acting as the conscience of the board.

    I don’t think any of you have gone far enough.I propose that Paul Ostermeyer is suspended from participating on the forum indefinitely for his unbelievable, disgraceful attack on TRF’s most respected member. Other members have been blackballed for much less.

    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    I don’t think any of you have gone far enough.I propose that Paul Ostermeyer is suspended from participating on the forum indefinitely for his unbelievable, disgraceful attack on TRF’s most respected member.

    Steady on Max – Paul’s alright – and as has been shown AP is more than big enough to look after himself.

    It’s just a stupid argument that’s got out on hand – handbags at dawn…

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Pete, that post is about as moderate as I can come up with. I don’t think its a stupid argument either. There are deeper implications for the forum which require scrutiny imo…for instance.

    Anyway enjoy your sulk – when I have published an aticle about this unsavoury incident I will let you know where you can find it.

    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    Fair enough Max – I have to admit, considering a person’s integrity has been questioned my calling it ‘stupid argument’ is probably incorrect.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9230

    I’ve not seen anything that justifies banning anyone Max. That said, I don’t think Paul’s posts on this thread have shown him in his best light and I would like to think that, on reflection, he might consider that he could have expressed his viewpoint in a less confrontational and disrespectful manner.

    However, as someone else pointed out, Alan is more than capable of holding his own and, as is usual, emerges with credit for rising above any pettiness.

    Regarding the point made in Maxilon’s last post (above) I don’t think Paul’s assertion that he’ll let Alan know where he publishes his article has any particular implication for the forum, as long as he stays within forum rules.

    Regarding the implication from Paul that the jockey somehow acted outwith the rules and that there may have been something sinister. I think the explanations here clearly show that there was no ulterior motive and that the jockey was acting in what he thought was the best interests of the punters and connections (and the horse).

    Once again, commonsense stuff from Silvoir too.

    • Total Posts 624

    This Paul guy is a Journalist, who does he write for? I have never noticed any of his articles in the Post or daily papers which is surprising as he speaks with such authority on any subject you would care to mention.

    We are lucky on TRF to have such a distinguished member.

    • Total Posts 2923

    He has links on the bottom of his posts, Blue Chariot.


    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I seem to have ruffled a few feathers here.

    Reading back through the thread I fully agree this thread became too heated and it was entirely out of order for me to get “personal” with Alan and for concentrating on a single line of his post.

    I also accept I could have made my points less robustly.
    However I do still assert Aspell should know the rules.
    I also make no apology whatsoever for picking up on the point AP made about Aspell.

    Although at no point in my postings did I suggest Alan Potts had done anything corrupt – although if he, or anybody else, chose to assume that then I apologise unreservedly.

    May I also address some of the other points raised in this thread.

    Ricky – because somebody is a “great supporter of TRF” does that make them exempt from criticism? Why should there be sacred cows – none of us is immune from criticism.

    As for being a spokesman for the BHA I believe that is what Silvoir is paid to do. Yes I do defend them on here because there many posts where they are incorrectly blamed for situations. Conversely there are times when I have been very critical of the BHA.

    Glenn – as for your comment that is laughable. I have no time for “The Rabble” and would be happier if the sport was rid of them tomorrow and we had a Tote monopoly.

    Drone – there is no “history” as far as I am aware between AP and myself. (The only current poster with whom I have any "history" is Happy.)

    Indeed AP is one of the posters on this forum who I have a great deal of time for. However his initial post did strike me as being that of a poor looser and, perhaps it was just a poor choice of words – I will not presume to guess – where he described Aspell’s actions, which did concern me.

    Also Drone I didn’t have a bet in that race – so no pocket talking.

    Happy – Yes I did raise the matter with the BHA but informally.

    Clearly the majority seem to be of the view that I have overstepped the mark.

    If I have upset people with my robust response I apologise unreservedly, not for questioning the points AP raised but for the manner in which I expressed them. (I will PM AB separately)

    I also accept the findings of the enquiry the BHA conducted that indicated they were happy with Aspell’s actions.

    Max suggests I be suspended from the forum – I am quite happy to step back from posting if that is what people want.

    • Total Posts 624

    Thanks Seabird, so he blogs and twitters. can anyone not do that nowadays?

    I thought he would have been snapped up by one of the daily papers or R.P. as he is a very knowledgeable person.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I thought he would have been snapped up by one of the daily papers or R.P. as he is a very knowledgeable person.

    Thanks for your careers advice Blue but maybe "he" does not want to work for a daily paper or RP.

    • Total Posts 4491

    My tuppence worth of this is that trf would be poorer without the contributions of both Paul and Alan, so hopefuuly both will stick around.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9230

    well said DJ

    • Total Posts 2923

    Blue Chariot, ORS Racing is a very informative and good site.


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