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  • #1706404
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    We haven’t sent anyone to Rwanda, but it was still a deterrent.
    The nuclear bomb is still a deterrent, but we haven’t used that either.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Ginger Nuclear bombs have been used ….Hiroshima and Nagasaki . No one was sent to Rwanda … sorry your wrong here , the threat of Rwanda didn’t stop anyone coming because no one was sent there , do you really think someone standing on a beach in France suddenly stopped and said ” No it’s ok , I’ll leave it thanks , the British are going to send me to Africa if I get caught ” , let’s be honest the chance of drowning is a slightly bigger deterrent ….

    Blackcountry Kid
    • Total Posts 741

    I seem to recall articles about people thinking just that HDLG also of another where they crossed over the border to Ireland to escape the prospect of being sent,now there’s not even that deterrent.
    Wasn’t there some diplomatic spat over the UK wouldn’t take them back once they had crossed to the Republic?
    good luck to all

    Red Rum 77
    • Total Posts 4740

    “Ginger Nuclear bombs have been used ….Hiroshima and Nagasaki .”

    Those were A-Bombs as in Atomic, and that was Americans because Hitler was also developing his own Atomic program can you image that. Nuclear are much more powerful and destructive and so far a deterrent.

    Putin said if NATO sends in troop to help Ukraine, when he was invading he’ll use Nuclear Missiles to retaliate.

    This though is not in the same league. I discussed this with an ex-workmate and he thinks the benefits need to be a lot less encouraging to them.

    The best things in life are free.
    But you can give them to the birds and bees.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Winter fuel payments- something had to be done, handing £300 payments to the millions of wealthy pensioners is absurd. However it’s been clumsily handled and they need to work on it, maybe a half payment level starting at the proposed cutoff point.

    The Tory press reaction is as ever totally overblown though, the actions of their government over 14 years cost us all a damn sight more than £300 a year and I didn’t hear them complaining about any of that.

    Rwanda- vile policy that has quite rightly been binned. No more than performative cruelty. It was of course resoundingly rejected by voters. Shame so much money was wasted on it, we could have given it to cold pensioners.

    Perhaps if the benefits given to boat arrivals are so good then people short of money could go to France, chuck their documents away and sail back here.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Red rum an atomic bomb and a nuclear bomb both have been he same desired effect ….

    Red Rum 77
    • Total Posts 4740

    I think it’s a little over the top. So far apart from World War Two by the Americans no weapons of mass destruction has been used. Although they have been tested by the French as shown in the 1998 movie Godzilla. Let’s hope that none are ever used again. However refugees still come to our country while passing through other safe countries. I believe it’s because we’re too soft.

    The best things in life are free.
    But you can give them to the birds and bees.

    • Total Posts 2849

    ‘However refugees still come to our country while passing through other safe countries.’

    Are they doing anything wrong by doing so?

    Red Rum 77
    • Total Posts 4740

    They won’t do if we don’t pay out on benefits to them like we already do. I also have a problem with fruit pickers are they getting less than minimum wage.

    The best things in life are free.
    But you can give them to the birds and bees.

    • Total Posts 2849

    What benefits are they entitled to?

    As for fruit pickers, I have a problem with anyone being paid less than the minimum wage, if you know of any examples then I’m sure the Police and HMRC would like to hear about it as it’s illegal.

    Red Rum 77
    • Total Posts 4740

    Thing is the foreigners fruit picking won’t say anything and neither would the farmers paying as they saving money. No I don’t have any examples but when brexit wad the issue this was one area that people said would suffer. Then they put it together with NHS workers to prove a point.

    The best things in life are free.
    But you can give them to the birds and bees.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    “I believe it’s because we’re too soft.”

    I blame the British Empire and the Americans.

    Both have spread English across the entire globe, so many people in far-flung places have at least a smattering of English. This means that they find the UK a better destination than, say, France or Germany.

    • Total Posts 2901

    GT – Hence more coming over this year… And that despite worse weather.

    The weather has not been any worse this summer than last. In fact July and August has been considerably better than 2023.

    • Total Posts 2849

    ‘Thing is the foreigners fruit picking won’t say anything and neither would the farmers paying as they saving money.’

    Sounds like the farmers are exploiting them.

    Still waiting for an answer as to what benefits all these people are entitled to. If the benefits are so good, why are they picking fruit for a pittance?

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    ‘Nuclear Bomb’ is just the collective term for the Atomic ‘A’ Bomb and the Thermonuclear Hydrogen ‘H’ Bomb; the former being the ones dropped on Japan and the latter being the even more lethal ‘next generation’ type developed during the ’50s and tested on numerous occasions since

    The essential difference is that the A Bomb relies on nuclear fission to produce the explosive energy while the H Bomb relies on nuclear fusion

    Hope that’s not unclear 🙂

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    This mess with the Winter Fuel Payment epitomises the quandary of whether to use non-means tested benefits or means tested benefits

    The former are easy to implement as everyone gets the same amount, which means those that need it get it but those who don’t get it too

    The latter are difficult to implement fairly, particularly if there’s a defined ‘cut off’ below which the benefit is paid in full and above which there’s nothing, which seems to be the case with the Reeves/Starmer plan. Those in the grey area just above the threshold will feel the pinch

    A sliding scale of benefit would seem wise to me: full payment through, say, reduced rates of 75%, 50%, 25% & zero. Though how those bands would be decided I don’t know

    Anyway, I’m pretty certain that the scheme will be tweaked somehow in the near future

    I got £200 last year, my first year as an official OAP. Nice while it lasted :yes:

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Universal Basic Income.

    Simple, cost-effective solution.

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