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A New Start With Starmer

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  • #1701290
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Given that the Sunak government has gone, I thought a thread should be started for the new government.

    Not much has happened yet. The Rwanda scheme has been abandoned, although that was never going to happen anyway. And there is talk about having to release some prisoners before they have even served half a term due to prison overcrowding.

    It might be fun later in the year if Trump becomes President again. Given what new Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said about him in the past, that would make for an interesting meeting.

    • Total Posts 1280

    How about a book then on the first minister to resign! Now that would be interesting. Lammy would hardly be a rank outsider.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    One feature of the new Parliament is the presence of 72 Liberal Democrats. The most for about 100 years.

    They will get at least two guaranteed questions at PMQs each week. It will be the ideal scenario for them: they can preen about how impeccably liberal they are while not having to be responsible for anything.

    In contrast, Starmer and his Cabinet will have a lot of tough decisions to make. They are bound to upset some of their idealistic supporters sooner or later.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Few, if any, supporters of this government are idealistic.

    The left have been systematically purged from the party, as Starmer has taken it increasingly rightwards.

    The true left either stayed at home last Thursday, contributing towards the low turnout, or else voted Green or even Lib Dem instead of Labour.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    “How about a book then on the first minister to resign”!

    Angela Rayner would be favourite to go first.
    Doesn’t really get on with Starmer.
    The only real leftie in the Cabinet.
    Is going to annoy a hell of a lot of people with her housing policy.
    Has got a gob on her that finds it difficult to keep shut.
    Oh and she’s “scum”.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    Cynicism Rules UK

    Hardly surprising given the long recent past; but I’m going to try positivity and give the new government time to settle in and restrict judgement on the progress they make – or lack of – until at least several months in office

    There’s a brief resumption of parliament next week followed by the recess of silly season August during which I expect the new cabinet will endeavour to be sensible and plan strategies and policies for the resumption of normalities in September. Leave the coulda woulda shouldas until then

    Hope for a little, expect less is a maxim that helps maintain a degree of sanity

    Must say that I’m enjoying GB News at present. The squirming sour grapes emanating from that bunch of hotheads is terrific entertainment

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    One feature of the new Parliament is the presence of 72 Liberal Democrats. The most for about 100 years.
    they can preen about how impeccably liberal they are while not having to be responsible for anything

    That’s the case for any opposition party in an elected dictatorship isn’t it?

    Fully agree with your post elsewhere regarding Ed Davey’s part in the Post Office scandal. His antics during the election campaign and the parading of his disabled son to garner sympathy were hard to stomach. Him apart though, I welcome the large influx of Liberals, as I do the representatives of all other parties, however aberrant and unpleasant I personally might find them: that’s democracy innit

    • Total Posts 1280

    “MPs are expected to re-elect the incumbent Lindsay Hoyle as speaker” :negative:

    Didn’t realise there were 650 “Conservatives” in the house. Surely a new parliament deserves a new speaker :scratch:

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Given that Sir Keir Starmer has over 400 MPs to choose from, did he really have to appoint Jacqui Smith as a junior Education Minister?

    An expense fiddler (though by no means the only one) and not a particularly distinguished Home Secretary. Now rewarded with a peerage in order to take up her role.

    It can’t say much for the quality of the MPs if Starmer thinks it necessary to bring her back.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “Lammy would hardly be a rank outsider.”

    Who can forget his finest hour?

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Anneliese Dodds, the Minister for Women who doesn’t know what a woman is, might be quite entertaining.

    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1508

    Has anyone asked Larry the cat what he thinks about it?

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
    I've walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Do we use this new thread for laughing at clueless Conservatives, or stick to the old one?

    Mark Francois’ comments today, followed by those of Jacob Rees-Mogg… this party is going to go so far to the right that only a small percentage of the electorate will vote for them.

    I would like there to be a strong opposition, as I am no fan of this incarnation of the Labour Party, but the current Conservatives are utterly useless.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Yep, the Conservatives are almost as bad as Labour when they were run by your mate Mr Corbyn.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    The Tories will go severe right ….so right they,’ll end up in the channel with migrant boats ….after the defeat the natural response will be to go back to right wing basics …how long before they start blaming Labour for the state of the country ….I’ll give in a week

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    My mate Mr Corbyn? You mean the guy who ruined the country even though he was never in charge, let alone for fourteen years?

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    Has anyone asked Larry the cat what he thinks about it?

    “Yawn, seen ’em come seen ’em go, same ol’ same ol’. Where’s my Whiskas Mr Starmer? Get your priorities right, I’m too old for mousing. Remember I’m the boss and I’m in a bad mood as I was expecting Mr Sunak to give me a life peerage. Aah, those red benches…snooze city. Miaow, time for a prowl”

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