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2YO Summary thread 2016

Home Forums Archive Topics Trends, Research And Notebooks 2YO Summary thread 2016

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  • #1264636
    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Yes, I popped up the bookies with my brother and saw the horse go from 25’s to 14’s quick so we had £1 each way on. The jockey looked over confident for a horse 1st time out and the way she was backed would suggest they knew they had a good one on their hands. The owner likes them to go easy on his horses first time out aswell. Superb

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Talaayeb, quite a taking winner of today’s opener. Travelled very sweetly and appeared to have plenty in the tank. She is from the Nashwan family and should stay at least ten furlongs.

    The dam stayed a mile and six, so Talaayeb could easily develop into an Oaks filly. It was certainly a very taking début today.

    Avatar photothejudge1
    • Total Posts 2251

    Sometimes Steve is right, more often than not Steve is wrong. Sometimes Ginge is right, more than often not Ginge is wrong.

    It’s the nature of this sport that we’ve all be wrong more than we are right so if we can stop the peeing up the wall contest between you pair it’d be good.

    I think they should just get a room, shag each others brains out and get it over with :heart:

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    I think they should just get a room, shag each others brains out and get it over with :heart:

    But who’d come first?

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    There’s no value in getting a room
    I’d suggest a horse box

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    There was a lad in our school who could hit the ceiling with his pee every time …. virtually on demand. Legend ;-)

    He did live in a Doll’s House though :whistle:

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    I think they should just get a room, shag each others brains out and get it over with :heart:

    But who’d come first?

    Normally I come first and he then spends a lifetime arguing why he didn’t B-)

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    I’ll end this pissing competition by pissing off.

    Thanks for the memories.

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Don’t take any notice Steve, of the p!ss takers
    I love Ginge, he knows his stuff but is a wind up merchant it’s a shame as this forum has a wonderful mixture of posters. You’ve got your opinion Steve and Ginger has his, if you agree or disagree on whatever, it’s no big deal. The horses do the talking in the long run.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    No need to do that Steve. Just a tight rein on the endless I’m right, you’re wrong debates with GT would be a bonus to the rest of us.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Sometimes Steve is right, more often than not Steve is wrong. Sometimes Ginge is right, more than often not Ginge is wrong.

    It’s the nature of this sport that we’ve all be wrong more than we are right so if we can stop the peeing up the wall contest between you pair it’d be good.

    Sorry for my part in this stupidity.
    Have kept to horse racing and solely horse racing. See nothing wrong with commenting on someone’s horse racing opinions, indeed it is what a discussion forum is all about. Steve knows more aout racing than most TRFers and it is very unfortunate that he believes I follow him around and deliberately find things wrong. Can assure you and everyone else this is not the case. Steve is perhaps THE most prolific poster on TRF, who always gives very long (longer than any other) thoughtful and often controversial posts. It’s therefore only to be expected that the other prolific poster (me) will find a lot more things to write, disagree and question about those (bears repeating) prolific, extra long, thoughtful and often controversial posts… than I do with any other poster. It’s not the victimisation Steve accuses me of.

    There is an awful lot myself and Steve agree on, the importance of trainer form and pace to name but two. However, that’s seldom seen; it’s in the nature of this forum we concentrate on our horse racing differences. I enjoy a debate and welcome alternative opinions (know have kept a debate going sometimes a little too long :lol:). May be Steve does not enjoy debating? Using TRF just to give his opinion and does not welcome debate/criticism? He’s said he ignores my DLAP thread and that I should ignore his posts. That is impossible when posts are in Horse Racing and Big Discussion. There was always going to be a subject or horse I wanted to give my opinion on too.

    Please take a look at my writings on La Cressonniere in the Arc thread that Steve objects to, it is 100% about horse racing, about what I think of her form and chance. When disagreeing with someone’s opinion on a horse/subject I said so. When someone gave an extensive explanation of their own opinion then yes, I gave an extensive explanation back of my own opinion and let others decide who’s correct. That’s what imo forums should be. Sorry if Steve saw that explanation as “on a mission to devalue my (his) contributions to this forum. The pattern is always the same. YOU start on things I have said and have a go at them”. That was never my intention. Sometimes when explaining why (I believed) I was correct – it resulted in explaining why I believed the other person was wrong. Steve sees my explanation of my opinions “on a mission to devalue” his, as “having a go at” him/his opinion. Sorry, but sometimes it is neccessary to explain why another person’s opinion is imo wrong to explain why my opinion is imo right. Can anyone see anything wrong in what I’ve written in those posts? May be I should’ve shown more empathy, but that’s about it.

    Had no objection to anyone commenting on or criticising my horse racing beliefs/opinions, indeed I welcomed it from anyone; including Steve if he wanted to comment on my DLAP thread/posts. However, I do object to personal comments which I have always believed is against the rules of TRF anyway. I’ve tried to ignore this and report it yet nothing is done. If you David or Matron deleted this type of thing then it would’ve helped me/the situation enormously. Not asking for anything else, just a deletion of personal, non-racing stuff. If that was done I’d not feel any need for retaliation – not that retaliation is ever right.

    I’d like to apologise to Steve and all TRFers for my stupid “paranoid” comment.

    Usually what others think does not bother me. Suppose the reason why personal comments hurt so much is a friend of mine does have mental health issues and tbh I myself have very minor mental health issues too (nothing at all serious and nothing like anyone has accused me of on this site). However, it can occasionally contribute to personal comments affecting me more than it should. Particularly when believing others who I respect can get the wrong impression (seems they have). Only found my problem when Drone said something that got me thinking; although didn’t have the thing he was on about I investigated further. Found something and not only did it help but indirectly found love – and all because of Drone. :heart:

    Hope I can, but it’s going to be very difficult to continue now, so wish TRF and Steve in particular well.
    The old dead or shivering cursor is getting unbearable anyway.


    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Hope I can, but it’s going to be very difficult to continue now

    That’s a bit dramatic Mark.
    You and Steve clash, nobody on the forum is going to lose any sleep over it
    I enjoy reading both of your contributions

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Hope I can, but it’s going to be very difficult to continue now

    That’s a bit dramatic Mark.
    You and Steve clash, nobody on the forum is going to lose any sleep over it
    I enjoy reading both of your contributions

    I have lost sleep over it and hate myself for that “paranoid” comment.
    …And you think I am delierately winding Steve and others up, which only reinforces his beliefs.

    So XXXX you Nathan!

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Steve gives as good as he gets. You want to forget about that ‘paranoid’ comment
    We all make mistakes and say stupid things, I’m a professional at it.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    I’ll end this pissing competition by pissing off.

    Thanks for the memories.

    Don’t go Steve, I never saw your meanderings as pissing anyway.
    It’s all been one big misunderstanding.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Steve gives as good as he gets. You want to forget about that ‘paranoid’ comment

    Can’t, it goes against all I believe in and is unforgivable.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Someone please make a comment on horse racing.

    Value Is Everything
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